Reviews and comment from the Demon Crew - creative writers at De Montfort University, Leicester.

Monday 7 March 2011

We were warned

Before the 60x60 event began, the audience were told that the music would be dark. The name alone gave it a an eerie feel - Vermilion.

They turned off the lights so we could truly listen to the sixty composed pieces, but I felt that the darkness created a frightening, horror-film-like atmosphere.

The only thing that we could see was a giant clock to let us know that the pieces were exactly sixty seconds each. This left it to our imagination - it was like watching a horror film with our eyes closed.

One piece that really stood out included sounds that reminded me of spiders scuttling across a wooden floor - the tapping sound. I shivered and squirmed throughout the whole sixty seconds of that piece.

Another was like something burning and I found myself trying to imagine what instrument would make that noise.

This event really made me appreciate the effect that music can have on people and how everyday sounds can be manipulated into something scary.

Leonni Secondino

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