Reviews and comment from the Demon Crew - creative writers at De Montfort University, Leicester.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Mi, Fa, Mi

East-Midlands girl, from Northampton to be exact, Carol Watts travelled up from London to grace DMU with her multi-media poetry.  

Carol Watts is a prime example of how many forms of writing can be translated over different forms. One example given was painting, which Carol admits to dabble in. From a 35 second video of a Swiss car park to a painting a red car, came a sequence of 8 poems. Each poem as captivating as the last. Some even verging into the dark.
One striking thing about Carol’s poetry is her attention to the musically of her pieces. The audience even getting treated to a line or two of singing, Mi, Fa, Mi. The room was silent as all ears were on Carol, some closing their eyes to feel rhythm, lulling them into a state of relaxation but taking in every intense word.  

I believe that everyone in the room would agree that Carol really brought her poetry to life through her performance. She proved to all aspiring writers that whether you are sat on a train or browsing the web, inspiration really can come from just about anywhere.

Rebecca Kiff. 

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